Five-Day Exercise Program for Men to Build Muscle
Many trainers and bodybuilders have asserted over the years that there are well-kept secrets to muscle growth. There are no real secrets, but there are several facts that will help you grow larger and stronger, even though some training regimens will allow you to acquire muscle more quickly than others.
The good news is that these facts are rather straightforward; the only challenging aspect is putting them into practice every day without letting them lose their impact on your goals and accomplishments. Here are five of those facts to accompany your five-day muscle-building exercise program before we go on to the training schedule.
1. Lift heavy
Each set you perform should be done with the heaviest weight you can lift in the specific rep range. If you’re able to do even one more rep than what the plan for the day is, that means you didn’t go heavy enough.
2. Employ progressive overload
In order for your muscles to grow, you need to provide ever changing and ever increasing workloads for them to adapt to. The easiest way to progress is via heavier and heavier weights, however, you’ll eventually find that you can’t simply increase the weights each and every week (although you’d like to).
Find new ways to overload the muscles on days like this by decreasing rest time between sets, performing your reps at a slower pace, or incorporating negatives and forced reps into your routine.
3. Ensure you use your hypertrophic range
Hypertrophy is a fancy way of saying: grow bigger muscles, and it just so happens that a specific rep range maximizes hypertrophy. All of your major working sets should be performed in the 8-12 rep range to maximize muscle growth.
4. Always have the right amount of rest
While working hard in the gym is necessary to grow, resting our muscles and allowing them the time to recover is just as essential.
Each muscle group takes at least 48-72 hours to fully repair following an intense workout, so this means that each muscle group should only be attacked one or two times per week at most. If you aren’t resting, you aren’t growing.
5. Eat to grow
Just like a race car needs special fuel to reach maximum speed, your body requires a unique mixture of fuel to perform at its best. You need to give yourself 1-2g of protein per pound of body weight if you want to grow, along with 1-3g of complex carbohydrates per pound of body weight, and plenty of healthy fats.
Before embarking on your muscle building journey, you need to outline your upcoming diet to make sure that you are giving your muscles everything they need to grow as quickly as possible.